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Mine Environment Management Ltd

The Science Behind Success

Utilising mining waste materials for carbon sequestration: A novel laboratory 
method assessing enhanced weathering potential in an arctic climate

Proceedings of 4th European Mineralogical Conference. Dublin. (E Mouchos et al., 2024)

Key insights into CDR standards requirements supporting MRV methods

Proceedings of 4th European Mineralogical Conference. Dublin. (W Savage et al., 2024)

C02 mass flux in mine waste. Why measuring it matters as part of waste characterization and the development of suitable laboratory techniques to do so.

Proceedings of 30th Annual BC MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver, BC. (R Shiimi et al., 2023)

A novel empirical approach to measuring pore gas compositional change in mine waste storage facilities: A case study from northern Europe

Proceedings of 16th International Conference Mine Closure 2023, USA (S Pearce et al., 2023)

Metalliferous mine closure geochemical risk planning and validation template

Proceedings of 16th International Conference Mine Closure 2023, USA (P McCann et al., 2023)

The Development of A Multi Parameter Respirometric Laboratory Testing Method to Estimate Site-Specific Net Carbon Dioxide Flux from Metalliferous Mine Waste

Proceedings of IMWA, UK (R Shiimi et al., 2023)

Review Of Laboratory Methodologies To Determine The Sorption And Release Of Metals Related To The Interaction Of Mine Drainage Water With Natural Media (Peat, Till And Bedrock)

Proceedings of IMWA, UK (J Dent et al., 2023)

Optimising Circum-Neutral Mine Drainage Treatment By Implementing High Shear Degassing Into A Sustainable Active Treatment System

Proceedings of IMWA, UK (J Dent et al., 2023)

Asset or Liability? Integrated thinking for mine planning and legacy mines

Proceedings of MineXchange, UK (S Pearce et al., 2023)

The effect of ore processing on tailings properties

Proceedings of Sustainable Minerals, UK  (D R Brookshaw et al., 2022)

Enhanced carbon dioxide gas compositions within mine waste storage facilities: implications for kinetic test methods and mine waste geochemical characterisation 

Proceedings of Sustainable Minerals, UK R J Savage et al., 2022)

Sulfur Mineral Phase Identification and Assessment of AMD Risk: A Review of Site-Specific Analytical Tools

Proceedings of 12th ICard. Virtual Conference, Australia  (D R Brookshaw et al., 2022)

Case Studies to Demonstrate the Importance of Liquid to Solid Ratios for Geochemical Testing Method Selection and Water Quality Prediction

Proceedings of 12th ICard. Virtual Conference, Australia (J Dent et al., 2022)

Optimisation of Process Flow and Metallurgy to Reduce Risks from Acid and Metalliferous Drainage in Tailings and recover critical metals 

Proceedings of 12th ICard. Virtual Conference, Australia (S Pearce et al., 2022)

Consideration of Geological Block Models and Analogues in ARD Assessments

Proceedings of 12th ICard. Virtual Conference, Australia (T D Wright et al., 2022)

Quantification Of Methods To Assess Carbonation In Mine Wastes - Potential Implications For Long-Term Mine Waste Drainage Quality And Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) Prediction 

Proceedings of 12th ICard. Virtual Conference, Australia (R J Savage et al., 2022)

Considering AMD Risks from Tailings Production as Part of Process Flow Sheet Development: Opportunities to Reduce AMD before Tailings Placement.

Proceedings of 29th Annual BC MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver, BC (S Pearce et al., 2022)

Waste Characterisation for Mining Resource Development Programs: How Many Samples is Enough?

Proceedings of 29th Annual BC MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver, BC (D Brookshaw et al., 2022)

Asset or liability? Why integrated thinking is required to achieve sustainable mine closure

Proceedings of MineXchange, Cardiff, Wales  (S Pearce et al., 2022)

The effect of ore processing on tailings properties

Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Sustainable Minerals, Falmouth, UK  (S Pearce et al., 2022)

Enhanced carbon dioxide gas compositions within mine waste storage facilities: implications for kinetic test methods and mine waste geochemical characterisation 

Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Sustainable Minerals, Falmouth, UK  (R J Savage et al., 2022)

Using Geological Analogues And Proxies To Better Determine AMD Risk

Proceedings of IMWA 2021, Virtual Workshop (Pearce et al., 2021)

Evaluating Circum-neutral Mine Drainage: Case Studies of Advanced Testing Methods Generating Representative Empirical Data

Proceedings of IMWA 2021, Virtual Workshop (Pearce et al., 2021)

Site specific optimisation assessment of circum-neutral water treatment using a cost-treatability curve assessment

Proceedings of IMWA 2021, Virtual Workshop (Marsden et al., 2021)

Development of leading practice waste grade control AMD classification based on deposit specific mineralisation characterisation and modelling

Proceedings of 10th Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage, Virtual Workshop (Pearce et al., 2021)

Setting cut off grades in waste characterisation schemes: The perils of using grade weight averaging to determine AMD risk  

Proceedings of 10th Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage, Virtual Workshop (Pearce et al., 2021)

Optimising waste management assessment using fragmentation analysis technology

Proceedings of Mine Closure, Perth Australia (Pearce et al., 2019)

Integrated life-of-mine waste characterisation, scheduling, and quality control for progressive closure at Martabe multi-pit gold mine

Proceedings of Mine Closure, Perth Australia (SK Grohs and Pearce, 2019)

Methods for assessing acid and metalliferous drainage mitigation and carbon sequestration in mine waste: a case study from Kevitsa mine, Finland

Proceedings of Mine Closure, Perth Australia (RJ Savage and Pearce et al., 2019)

An economic and risk based appraisal of standardised waste management strategies: using fragmentation analysis to optimise approach

Proceedings of SGA, Biennial Meeting, Glasgow Scotland (Pearce, 2019)

Optimised waste management using technology

Proceedings of Minex Europe, Sofia Bulgaria (Pearce, 2019)

Mine site rehabilitation - setting realistic goals and adopting sustainable strategies, an international perspective

Proceedings of MineXchange, Cardiff Wales  (Pearce et al., 2018)

Gas flux rates and the linkage with predicting AMD loads in waste rock dumps, and designing practical engineering solutions – field based case studies in three distinct climates

Proceedings of the 13th International Mine Water Association Congress – Mine Water & Circular Economy – A Green Congress, Lappeenranta, Finland (Pearce et al., 2017)

Financial risk associated with mine closure: International experience and case studies

Proceedings of Minex Central Asia, the 8th Central Asian Mining and Exploration Forum, Astana Kazakhstan (Pearce, 2017)

Why variable oxidation rates are needed for the prediction of AMD from dynamic waste rock dumps

Proceedings of the 9th Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage, Burnie Tasmania (Pearce et al., 2017)

Experimental models of metal leaching for scaling up to the field 

Proceedings of the 9th Australian Workshop on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage, Burnie Tasmania (Z-S Liu, C Huang, L Ma, E Dy, Z Xie, M O'Kane and S Pearce, 2017)

Acid and metalliferous drainage contaminant load prediction for operational or legacy mines at closure

Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Mine Closure, 2016, Perth, Australia (J Pearce, P Weber, S Pearce and P Scott. 2016)

A risk-based approach using process flow diagrams for operational waste rock classification — case studies. 

Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Mine Closure, 2016, Perth, Australia (Pearce et al, 2016.)

Waste material placement options during construction and closure risk reduction quantifying the how, the why and the how much

Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Mine Closure, 2016, Perth, Australia (Pearce et al, 2016.)

Progressive rehabilitation - Martabe Gold Mine as a case study

Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mine Closure, Perth Western Australia (Pearce et al., 2016)

Linking waste rock dump construction and design with seepage geochemistry: an integrated approach using quantitative tools

Proceedings of IMWA International Annual Conference. Mining Meets Water - Conflicts and Solutions,  Leipzig, Germany (Pearce et al., 2016)

Advanced customisable leach columns (ACLC) – a new kinetic testing method to predict AMD risks by simulating site-specific conditions

Proceedings of IMWA International Annual Conference. Mining Meets Water - Conflicts and Solutions,  Leipzig, Germany (Pearce and J Pearce, 2016)

Validating WRD conceptual models and implications for mine closure in semi-arid environments: a high level assessment using field data

Proceedings of IMWA International Annual Conference. Mining Meets Water - Conflicts and Solutions,  Leipzig, Germany (Pearce and Pearce, 2016)

Climate change and mine closure – a practical framework for addressing risk

Proceedings of IMWA International Annual Conference. Mining Meets Water - Conflicts and Solutions,  Leipzig, Germany (Pearce, Baisley and O'Kane, 2016)

Waste rock dump geochemical evolution: matching lab data, models and predictions with reality

Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage and IMWA Annual Conference,  Santiago, Chile (Pearce et al., 2015)

Quantitative assessment tools to assist with waste placement guidelines

Proceedings of the Tailings and Mine Waste Management for the 21st Century Conference,  Sydney, Australia (Pearce and Lehane 2015)

Heterogeneity profiling: A technique to improve geochemical sampling and analysis for AMD assessments

Proceedings of the 8th Australian on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage, Adelaide, South Australia (Pearce et al., 2014)

Beyond the Paf Cell

Proceedings of the 8th Australian on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage, Adelaide, South Australia (Pearce, 2014)

Instrumentation in waste rock dumps: Going deeper

Proceedings of the 8th Australian on Acid and Metalliferous Drainage, Adelaide, South Australia (Pearce and Barteaux, 2014)

Rapid on-site screening for historic contamination at mine sites

Proceedings of Mine Waste 2010, Perth, Australia (Pearce and McKay)

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