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Mine Environment Management Ltd
2024 NCE Dual Winners SME Consulting Company of the Year & Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Leader

Mine Environment Management (MEM) is a leading geoscience and environmental engineering consultancy. As mining consultants we deliver practical and pragmatic answers worldwide to the mining industry across the full life of mine cycle, from planning through operations to closure and regeneration.
We are driven by a shared passion for geoscience, the environment, and in particular a love of rocks. We like nothing better than a geoscience challenge presented that is yet to be solved, and even if it has been “solved” we beg to differ and strive to develop a better solution. Given that global warming presents the largest and most significant current scientific challenge presented to this and future generations, and one which still requires effective solutions then this provides almost infinite source of motivation for our team.
As we all work, live and breathe in the mining industry we are also confronted day to day with the challenges of defining sustainable development and how the circular economy may be demonstrated within large scale resource extraction projects. Carbon sequestration is something that we have all come to recognise as a future technology that provides a significant and credible potential solution to both reducing carbon emissions and identifying a utility for the billions of tonnes of “waste” materials produced by the industry. This concept we feel provides an opportunity for a credible demonstration how a circular economy may actually be realised, and will provide motivation for the next generation of geoscientists.

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